Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting a Routine

I'm settling in here finally and getting into a normal day to day routine, although not the typical boring one. I just mean there's a lot less chaos now than there was originally. I'm really getting close with my host family, and they're a lot of fun. Last night I figured out why Santiago, the 25 year old son isn't around very much...he and his girlfriend are preparing to have a baby. So I hung out with them last night while Antonio watched a soccer game and Dolores decorated a baby crib. Dolores and Antonio are a lot of fun, though. Last night, Antonio made arroz con leche for dessert, and used lemon peels and cinnamon to give it flavor. But he left the lemon peels in Dolores' bowl, and we all laughed hysterically when she found them one by one. It was the first time I have laughed really hard abroad and felt great. Antonio really is like a little kid and he makes it fun.

Here's Antonio before Dolores started dessert^

And here's Antonio as Dolores is putting everything together^

I love spending time with the family and it's good to get to know them better because our whole situation together involves a lot of trust. They trust that I won't cause them harm or even do something minor like leave the door unlocked when I come home at night. I trust that they will both provide my food and that it will be safe to eat. This may sound minor but there have been times where it's required a lot more trust than you would think. Trusting people that I really don't know well and understand poorly honestly doesn't make a whole lot of logical sense for a situation that you choose, but I think it will be rewarding. It's the situation I've got and it's not bad at all.

This is a picture of spinach something. Lot's of trust.

In other news, I saw my first male satchel yesterday, and I'm sorry for the picture quality but it was dark and I was scrambling to get my camera out.

You know I really thought there would be more of those.

There really isn't a lot lot more to say but my walks are still beautiful and my spirits bright.

A view of the Giralda tower I see every day. ^It crowns the largest gothic church in the world.

A view of the sunset I watched tonight^

I hope everyone is doing well and counting their blessings.

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